Happy Tuesday to you'all!
Well, there are a lot of my fellow SU! demos at Convention for SU! this week and I am thinking of them all.....wishing I was with them for such an amazing and FUN event. Maybe next year! Hey, a girl can dream!!! :-)
I am posting a couple of pic's from this past weekend. Jeff, Jolie and I went up to Ossipee Lake in Freedom, NH (isn't that a great name for a town! "Freedom") to visit with a good friend of mine who was vacationing up there with her kiddos. We had a fun filled day of swimming, eating, waterskiing and lots of good company. The day ended with a beautiful and cozy fire outside. The picture of me holding Jolie was taken as we were enjoying the fire and watching the sun set for the day.
The next day we got up early and drove an hour further north to Story Land. What an AMAZING place!!!! I was soooooooooooo IMPRESSED with the whole park. I couldn't stop saying how impressed I was with the park all day to Jeff. I don't think he was very "impressed" with my non-stop talk of being "impressed" - even though I know he was too! BUT I was even more proud that our little state of NH is actually the home of such a fabulous place to take the family for the day. And I tell you, if we lived closer than 3 hours away from this park I would totally get a season's pass! So, for all of you that live within a decent distance to the White Mountains of NH absolutely make it a point to take your family to Story Land. It R-O-C-K-S!!!!!
Okay, off to give my little lamby a bath.....she is one dirty dirty girl! The sand box and a trip the farm will do that every time!
Thanks for stoppin' by,